Members of the public and press are welcome to attend all meetings and a public participation period of 15 minutes is allocated at the start of the meeting, with 3 minutes allowed per speaker. This allows time for members of the public to ask questions regarding items on the Agenda.
To join a remote meeting you will need to obtain a pass code from the Clerk by 5pm on the day of the meeting.
There are rare instances when the public may be asked to leave the meeting should there be a sensitive item on the Agenda. These primarily refer to staffing or legal matters and are confidential in nature.
Whilst no prior permission is required to film, photograph or audio-record Parish Council meetings, we request that members of the public make attending officers aware of their intentions before the meeting commences.
All remote meetings of the Council will be recorded for the Council's use only.
In the interests of transparency, all committee meeting papers are available for the general public to review (apart from papers which may be confidential such personnel or commercially sensitive information). The number of papers at some meetings can be quite extensive so difficult to down load from the website. Any papers can be requested by contacting the Clerk prior to the meeting.