Land At Churchway Planning Hearing
Published: 11 June 2024
Appeal Hearing
Following the refusal of planning permission for 89 homes at Land At Churchway by Buckinghamshire Council, Richborough Estates Ltd are appealing the decision. Appeal Ref: 24/00026/REF Planning Application: 23/00311/AOP Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/J0405/W/24/3339126
The appeal will be held as an Informal Hearing, commencing at 10.00am on 27th June 2024. Due to preparations for the election there are no rooms available at Buckinghamshire Council offices so it has been agreed to hold the Hearing in the Parish Council Office and Conference Room, Haddenham Village Hall, Banks Road, Haddenham, HP17 8EE.
Parish Council Representation
The Parish Council are committed to opposing the application and have appointed O’Neil Homer planning consultancy to prepare a Statement of Case and attend the Hearing.
Unexpectedly, last week through Buckinghamshire Council’s Barrister’s Chambers, we were offered the opportunity for a Barrister to represent the Parish Council at the Hearing for a significantly reduced fee. This offer has been accepted so our case will be presented by Pupil Armin Solimani of Francis Taylor Building Chambers, and the Parish Council has registered as a rule 9 party to get a seat at the table, which is quite rare.
Public Attendance
Members of the public can attend and are advised to email if you plan to be at the hearing, regardless of whether you wish to give your views or not. Please include your status i.e. interested party etc. This information is useful in case they need to contact you ahead of time e.g. should the hearing have to move online.
The Government has published guidance on the hearing process for anyone wishing to know more. You will not have the right to speak but the Inspector may allow you to do so.
Further information
Copies of the appeal documents including the Parish Council’s Statement of Case will be available to view/download from the Buckinghamshire Council website under the appeal reference 24/00026/REF.
Once a decision has been made it will be published on the Planning Inspectorate website and on Buckinghamshire Council's website.