Community Speedwatch Update

Published: 31 January 2024

Thank you to our dedicated Community Speedwatch volunteers who braved sub-zero temperatures during January all in the name of improving road safety around Haddenham!

8 sessions were carried out at speeding hot spots around the village including Stanbridge Road, Thame Road and Pegasus Way with a total of 66 drivers recorded exceeding the speed limit.

What is Community Speedwatch?
Community Speedwatch is a Thames Valley Police scheme run in conjunction with local communities, where volunteers are trained to use a detection device to monitor the speeds of vehicles travelling through their local area.

The registration numbers of vehicles exceeding the speed limit are stored by Thames Valley Police on a database and a warning letter is issued to the registered vehicle owner. Should the vehicle be identified speeding again, a further letter will be sent to the owner informing them that the information has been passed to Roads Policing (RP) for possible further action.

Haddenham shares speed monitoring equipment that was purchased by Bucks County Council with other local villages. We have several approved sites located at speeding hot spots around the village.

Can you help?
Community Speedwatch can only run thanks to the efforts of our wonderful volunteers. So, if you're concerned about your local road and have some time to spare, why not join our team of volunteers?

Anyone interested in volunteering with Speedwatch should contact David Moore on