Streetscape Update

Published: 19 December 2022

Public consultation carried out as part of the Streetscape project found that there was a high level of support (89%) to introduce a village-wide 20mph zone.

As a result, the Parish Council commissioned a feasibility report and analysis was carried out into the existing speeds on roads within Haddenham.

It was found that the majority of streets within the village already have average speeds below 24mph. This is significant as the Department for Transport recommends that "the implementation of 20mph limits over a larger number of roads… should be considered where mean speeds at or below 24mph are already achieved over a number of roads”. Public acceptance and compliance with a 20mph limit is also more likely where existing speeds are low.

The report recommends that Haddenham is suitable for a village-wide 20mph speed limit. A village-wide approach would ensure that the application of the 20mph speed limit is consistent and comprehensible for road users.

Going forward, Haddenham Parish Council will need to work with Buckinghamshire Council, as the highway authority, to agree the principle of implementing the village-wide 20mph zone. A Traffic Regulation Order would be necessary, which requires further public consultation.

Further information, including the background to the Streetscape project and the full feasibility report, can be found on the Parish Council website.