The Parish Council overtook the maintenance of St Mary’s Church Yard in the summer of 2017 after the church yard was declared full.
It is a beautiful old grave yard which is steeped in history and also provides an entrance to St Mary’s School. The Parish Council provides all the grounds maintenance which includes grass cutting, general gardening and tree work. We are also responsible for an annual topple testing of the memorial stones. It is policy of the Council to lay down any Memorials which are deemed to be unsafe. A list of memorials which need repair are put on the noticeboard to inform relatives. It is important that we ensure the Church Yard remains to be a safe and pleasant place to visit.
The biggest project the Parish Council is undertaking is the repair, and in some places a total rebuild, of the outer Church Yard wall and Lychgate. As St Mary's Church is a listed building, these structures also come under listed status and requires specialist architects, stone masons and master craftsman. This is a huge task and will be an ongoing project.