Road Safety

This is of paramount importance to the Parish Council. There has been a number of initiatives to help reduce traffic congestion and speeding.

road safety sentinel equipment in case

Community Speedwatch

Community Speedwatch is a Thames Valley Police scheme run in conjunction with local communities, where volunteers are trained to use a detection device to monitor the speeds of vehicles travelling through their local area.

The registration numbers of vehicles exceeding the speed limit are stored by Thames Valley Police on a database and a warning letter is issued to the registered vehicle owner. Should the vehicle be identified speeding again, a further letter will be sent to the owner informing them that the information has been passed to Roads Policing (RP) for possible further action.

Haddenham shares speed monitoring equipment that was purchased by Bucks County Council with other local villages. We have several approved sites located at speeding hot spots around the village.

Our volunteers do a great job in helping to reduce speeds and make our local roads safer for everyone! Anyone interested in volunteering with speed monitoring should contact the Parish Office

vehicle activated sign displaying 30 miles per hour

MVAS – Mobile Vehicle Activated Sign

This sign will be put up in various places around Haddenham. It is activated when a vehicle is exceeding 30mph. It will flash and alert drivers to slow down. It records the number of vehicles who speed and is invaluable when assessing trends in speeding along designated roads.

The MVAS is generally located in areas which are known for speeding or near road junctions. We ask parishioners to adhere to the warning as it is for your own safety.